Focus on the Hospitality & Food service sector in Algeria.

Market overview:

In recent years, Algeria has committed to revitalising the tourism industry.

As a major economic driver, the Algerian government is investing in this sector as part of its economic recovery plan, and a multitude of measures have been implemented. 750 investment projects are currently in progress.

In the last few years, the country has seen a growing number of international restaurant brands set up in response to local demand. Another demand from the local working population is for door-to-door delivery, whether by app or direct delivery.

The country is also experiencing a change in urban eating habits, with an increase in outdoor dining, contributing 7.6% of overall food consumption.

Over the past 10 years, tourism in Algeria has recorded an annual average of :

  • 2.2 million arrivals at border crossings
  • 270,000 employees in hotels, coffee shops and restaurants
  • 2% of non-hydrocarbon GDP
  • 274 million dollars in foreign currency earnings



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Discover the Hospitality & Food service sector

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