After hydrocarbons, the food processing industry is now the biggest contributor to Algeria's GDP. A boom that is naturally attracting players in the food processing industry. Meet all these leaders at Djazagro!

Employing nearly 700,000 people (10% of the working population), the agro-food industry now accounts for more than 50% of Algeria's non-hydrocarbon GDP, according to the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty in its country report on Algeria. Add to this the agricultural sector, and the figures are even more revealing about the importance of the sector: ‘2.7 million people are employed in agriculture and the agro-food industries, i.e. a quarter of the active workforce and the leading employer in the industry (40% of employment)’, as Pwc noted in a study carried out for Djazagro in 2023.


A wide range of industry players

The vast agro-food industry now includes a diverse mix of state-owned and (increasingly) private players, as well as local and international operators. The different markets reflect this diversity. In cereal processing, for example, alongside the public mills (Agrodiv), a large number of private mills have emerged as veritable food groups (such as Amour, La Belle and Sosemie, all exhibiting at the show). Similarly, in the yoghurt sector, local leader Soummam (40% market share) is followed by Danone, while in the processed cheese sector, Bel leads the way against local competitors (Algérie crème, Fitalait, Priplait).



Food processing in the spotlight at Djazagro

It is in the shadow of this industry with its growing needs that the activity of players dedicated to agro-food processes is developing: firms specialising in plant design, specialists in hygiene or handling, manufacturers of materials, equipment or packaging machinery... Djazagro is the perfect opportunity to meet them directly. Come and meet them all from 7 to 10 April 2025 in Algiers, at the SAFEX exhibition centre. To find out more about the food processing and the sectors of the show, click here.